Makes me sick, page-55

  1. 21,397 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14

    "What a vomitous thread by a bunch of old blokes"


    Clearly you must be a supporter of the normalisation of Pedophilia.

    Why is this?

    Just a young progressive type stretching its legs maybe?

    Why do you think Gov bodies like the EU wish to protect Pedophiles by taking away the stigma attached to being a Pedo?

    From my end of things, no matter how our progressive pollie types/ law makers want to try and normalise Pedophilia it will always be Pedophilia to me.

    Call me old fashion I guess, but I will always call it how I see it.

    Dress up the Pedo all you like, but never leave it at the local kindergarten.
    Last edited by JACK: 03/01/23
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