moore: serious film maker or socialist weasel?, page-32

  1. 107 Posts.
    LOL... don't know where you get the idea that I tell you not have your opinion, but facts are what needed for any debate.

    "Next Ur going to tell me Rudd is doing a great job."

    LOL... dude, that would NEVER happen. Unless Rudd did perform well, which he looks incapable of.

    "Have U seen the video of Obama bowing to the King of Saudia Arabia, yet the president of USA never bows to the Queen of England so does that confirm he's a muslim, there is also an interview where he admits to being a muslim would U like me to find that 1 for U to."

    No I haven't... I'm no Obama fan.... But will say if that meeting was in Saudia Arabia then he probably would have to bow... but if your saying that he did not bow to the Queen of England because muslims do not bow to non-muslims, then I have no idea about that event or if muslims do that or do not do that. May just go to show just where he Obama thinks he is to not bow to our Queen.
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