rudd - australias worst ever prime minister, page-80

  1. 281 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    all howard did of any note was follow dubya into any war unjust or not he could ,and ride the biggest wave of unrealisticly cheap credit into the biggest phony economic boom of all time,the chickens are now coming home to roost now,greenspan was wrong all of us now have to wear a bit of pain .
    Abbot is a spandex wearing clown who has not yet put one positve bit of policy out there, nothing but negative retoric from him ,all he makes me want to do is run over the cyclists who hog the road even more.
    cast your mind back to pauline hanson, not that i agreed with her but one thing i hold dear is our democratic right to free speech.Abbot led the witchhunt to put her in jail on a technicality.why ? because he didnt agree with what she said,
    untill they get rid of abbot they wont get my vote.
    dont forget we are one of the only countries to avoid a recession in the last 2 years ,that is not just luck.
    the troops are coming home from the unjust war in iraq.that must not be forgotten.
    maybe joe hockey will get my vote but not the howard puppet of abbot.
    if your fuutue is at risk because of this new tax you shouldnt be giving any econmic advice !i know i'm still okay!
    wake up and smell the roses people ,or wake up and log on ,the whole world is feeling the pain not just us.

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