my opinion about god & religious books-part 1, page-16

  1. 535 Posts.

    Yes, you are part way there!!

    Lets stick to horses - I agree, that many modern horses, sheep etc are man made - but we used the basics of evolution to get there

    WE (ie humans) selected what traits we wanted (ie the things horse breeders look for are longer legs/fetlocks, large girth, long neck etc). Humans selected those things and breed for them. Noone can argue with this fact because we have a couple of hundred years of history to prove it.

    But what if it was longer term and something else made those selections.

    So I take it you agree that man can, over a few decades or centuries, change a horse? (by the way, you still didn't answer why we still have slow horses, so essentially we have created two different 'types' of horses - that is, slow ones and fast ones....)

    now imagine that the selections were made for a different reason, say for example, that there were two groups of horses, one on one island, and one on another.

    Imagine that, on one of these islands, there is a very very long drought (a decade or more) and that the only horses that survive are the tall ones who can reach the leaves at the top of the trees, all of the shorter horses would die, right??? Now imagine that this happens over many many decades. the shorter ones dying on this dry island and the taller ones living and breeding - so the next generation would likely to be a little taller.... each season (generation) the taller the horse, the more chance of survival... just lke humans breeding horses to be fast, nature (ie the drought) has been breeding them to be tall? Make sense.....

    If, after thousands of years, humans were to arrive at these islands (think of Cpt James Cook or Joseph Banks) - would he see two species?? or one??

    Maybe, he might call one of them 'horses' and the other one 'giraffe's' would he not!!

    My point about race horses is that animals change!

    Every domesticad animal has changed a LOT over the last few hundred years.

    Image how many changes would occur over a million years.

    This is natural selection - rather than a horse breeder, or dog breeder, it is the elements of nature!

    And as for your comment that animals do not change into other species - yes they do !

    If we left those horses isolated on those islands for long enough - they would be so different that the would not be capable of mating.

    Have a look at how many cats there are in the world (i mean species of cats) all shapes and sizes, evolved for different reasons. A bengal tiger can mate with a siberian tiger (but they are different species) but the probably could not mate with a persian! (as they have evolved to be too different.

    For people that that say there is no evidence for evolution I suggest that you visit any museum - the london natural history museam has more than 700 million artefacts showing evolution and change in animals over millions of years. Thats just ONE museum, every major city has a museum, each with thousands (or millions) of pieces of evidence.

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