McGowan copping from everyone!!!

  1. 58,975 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 310
    The untouchable (thanks to the pandemic) West Australian Emperor Premier has been quite rightly roundly castigated for his role in the Peth Mint scandal.
    The spiv leader of the current government has been found missing in action and derelict in his duty as the responsible Minister for the operation and oversight of the Mint.

    Thanks to the spiv leader of the WA ALP, the WA taxpayers could face a multi billion dollar legal compensation impost. Just what WA needs!!!

    The usually grandstanding WA spiv leader has been brought down to earth by the realities of "doping" scandal and his usual jocular persona has disappeared as the enormity of the potential damage and cost to the WA taxpayer has dawned upon him.

    Many resident commentators are astounded at McGowan's incompetence and are now having sincere remorse at having elected the spiv during the CCP Pandemic!!!

    Not only that!

    Thanks to Gina, Twiggy and other capitalists, you know, the ones Labor despises, McGowan is taking credit for WA 's largest surplus while at the same time WA's hospitals are widely reported to be facing understaffing, massive emergency ambulance ramping and insufficient beds!!!

    What's next with this fool ? Alright to take overbaked credit for pandemic lockdowns, but the over-represented spiv leader is now undergoing justified retribution for his incompetence!

    Who will inevitably pay for McGowan's incompetence. As usual with Labor, the taxpayer!!!!!

    The Libs now have a somewhat easier path back to power. As they say, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
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