kevin rudd on sunrise now and he looks , page-57

  1. 342 Posts.
    OK I just have to join the rant here.

    I HATE RUDD. Right from inception, this government has made my blood boil with the gross financial incompetence and outright theft of our future.

    The Liberals left us with virtually no debt. How I wish Howard had the decency to hand over the reigns to Costello.

    Can you imagine how much better it would be? A highly experienced treasurer graduating to PM?

    Instead, we get this:

    Exhibit A: TRIPLE FHOG - stolen from you and me. Now housing is ludicrously unaffordable and all funded by the Aussie taxpayer, who wasn't even asked!

    Double dealing at its most dishonest. On the one hand, Rudd offers a handout (stolen from me and you) and says it will "help people own a first home", posing as a socialist, but really a crony of the real estate industry (fascism!).

    The truth is, he has stolen our taxpayer money, given it to the real estate industry, and created false economy at a time when we already had private debt to GDP rate of 167%, now worse!

    The banks make a mozza and they KNOW Rudd will use OUR money to bail them out when they fail, so they know there is no risk to them. Rudd has sold us out!

    The hardest hit are those who now save for a house (interest rates on bank deposits, even under the new Henry review do NOT keep pace with the erosion of purchasing power, only gold will).

    This is going to end badly. Rudd has ensured it will be catastrophic unless his policies are reversed.

    Exhibit B: ETS

    A cornerstone of his policy. He thumped the table and proselytised to the masses about the environment. This was nothing more than a naked "carbon" tax grab. The fact that the science has been shown to be inconclusive throws this political misfire into the limelight only too clearly.

    Basically, this effort sums up Rudd's judgment.

    But let's not stop the rant!

    Exhibit C: The Stimulus package! Cooked up by Iron Chef Ken Henry. Ready to put the ball and chain around your ankle.

    1. $14.7 billion "Building the Education Revolution" - school infrastructure and maintenance. The only thing built was buildings! A mind bending waste of money. A catastrophe, playing directly to the building industry. Very little went into higher education at all.

    Let me put in dollar terms. Population of Australia =21,431,800. That's 14,700,000,000/21,431,800. That's about $686 per man, woman and child, irrespective of whether they are in nappies or a nursing home.

    Although I can't say how may tax payers there are in 2010, I can say in 2004 the population was 20.1 million and 10,819,176 lodged income tax returns, ie about 50%. Extrapolating that means, the averaged "mean" taxpayer paid something like $1350, or will pay it, with interest, to China, Japan and the UAE. Thanks RUDD!

    As Barnaby Joyce put it "Blatant Enormous Rip-off!"

    Can anyone help here with better figures? For sure, the "averaged mean" is going to be much higher with anyone paying tax from a "mean average" income. They will pay significantly higher than those at the lower end for this massive waste!


    2. $3.9 billion to provide free insulation to 2.7 million homes and solar hot water rebates

    We know how that ended!

    3. $12.7 billion for immediate one-off payments - simply money for nothing!

    That is Rudd's economy!

    Now, fortunately, he sets himself up on the chopping block with the "super" mining tax. He single handedly dealt his government the death blow.

    The only people that deserve a "fair share" of mining profits are investors! That includes everyday Aussies who are compulsorily made to pay superannuation.

    He'll destroy us.

    Rudd is the pitts!
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