OMH 0.00% 34.0¢ om holdings limited

Ann: Dividend Policy, page-54

  1. 511 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Is any one else getting a little sick of the SP being played offscreen to a number then pipped down at close so they can go again the next day. I don't hold as many shares as Rocket but I have accumulated a good amount over the years. WHAT AM I MISSING here for bigger players not to see value at this price and above. I have done the math on annual report.. looked at geopolitical, price cycle, tsunami, dam,employee risks and I only see big improvements from this point... in fact with 33% extra Sarawak ownership with a nearly unchanged equity position is enough alone to value the company much higher than the shitty SP it's currently at. Add Chinese workers back, 33% more upside in production. The price cycle appears to be at a point where a lot of smelters are faltering but we remain highly profitable. If we have a counter argument out there that can pick this apart I'm only too happy to learn. Even asked my finance gurus to value company and they said they outsource that role ... then I realised that role has been already filled by Fosters who valued the company at $1.78AUS without including the 66% upside I mentioned above. I have years to wait for this play to occur but definitely interested as to WHAT IM MISSING?
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Mkt cap ! $260.5M
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0.0¢ 0.0¢ 0.0¢ $0 0

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1 9506 34.0¢

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35.0¢ 941 1
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Last trade - 07.20am 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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