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    With so many Aboriginals and TSI saying they either do not support the Voice, have no idea what it is let alone where not consulted - it is clear
    The Voice has nothing to do with with helping First nations and more to do with a cash grab and virtue signalling from the ALP/Greens to put in place a left wing puppet that cannot be voted out.

    it is clear the objective to me WAS NOT to give first nations people a 'say' but to allow the un-democratic permeate installation of a Marxist/socialist person to our parliament

    Albo and the ALP have SHAMELESSLY dragged the most vulnerable Australians into a political debate, whilst crime tuns rampant in Alice Springs with Sexual assault FIVE times higher then the nation average and childrens presenting to medical care with 'anal warts' as young as 3 years old - Albo and the ABC have defended the Pedo's and rapist and used the hardships first nations peoples are facing as a way to gain political favour.

    The Voice is without a doubt is racist and the courage of ministers such as Jacinta Price, Warren Mundine and Peter Dutton [and many other FN elders] i will never be forget - i have never seen such 'ugly' racism in my life then the Abuse those 3 have been hit with and the ABC and there extremist left wing agenda should be de-funded as it is clear that it does not represent diversity, or acceptance but a sheer disregard for anyone who does not conform to there racist and bigoted views of the extreme left.

    Peter Dutton - has spoke out against SEXUAL assault in Alice Springs and podophiles whilst Albo and NT-ALP have done nothing, Dutton has called out the disgusting crimes that he people of AS suffer he has gone there spent days speaking to locals and heard their cries for help whilst the PM has refused to listen - Sadly the ABC instead of acting as a 'Voice' of reason for the people the left wing and DISGUSTING 'journalist' at the socialist propaganda spinner network ha ATTACKED Dutton and the LNP instead of calling out the PM who has boosted ABC funding - essential 'paying off the ABC for there favor. The ABC actively defended pedos and rapists to salvage ALP Public relations to me this is the most unspeakable evil and the ABC has lost forever its trust in not just myself but a LARGE number of Australians i know so many people that see the ABC is a left wing propaganda machine.

    Jacinta Price - a 'true' first nations women [not a fake white one living in the city] but a women who lives and breaths first nations life and culture in rural Australia has been hit with veil 'racist' taunts from those who support the 'yes vote' on twitter and on the ABC. Jactina has long spoken about those FN people that need support the most - she is THE VOICE that Albo and the ALP DO NOT CARE ABOUT as it does not benefit their evil anti-democratic agenda

    Warren Mundine - a man who employs 1000s of first nations peoples in his business and has long spoken about the need for 'more opportunity' education and health care opposed to welfare has also been the subject of disguising left wing racist abuse from the yes voters - this man has done more for 1st nation people then the ALP and Green have in there entire existence - he has called out the voice day one and deserves the respect of ALL Australians.

    i could go on ABOUT THE EVIL OF THE LEFT but nothing is more horrid then the comments Noel Pearson made about Australians veil and racist calling us 'white c**ts' - these COMMENTS were supressed by the ABC no story was printed condemning the sheer racist remarks this man spat out the evil the 'yes' voters have pushed nothing but racism and further division - claiming the voice would unify us however in reality it has done nothing but divide Australia and show the true racist colours of the hard left.

    Note Our Prime Minister probably the evilest man in the country has not once attempted for this to be fair referendum - only committing to fund the 'yes campaign' and spending billions on pushing a 'racist' voice that represents no one but himself and the dark socialist agenda the ALP/GREEN government are pushing. - He has called on celebraties to push his agenda opposed to the No vote which has focused on 'ordinary' Australians - i know who id be listening to and it isnt the multi-millionaire ex-sports stars but the ones struggling in first nations communities the ones telling us to Vote No.


    The voice is for racists by racist - Australians are not racists we are a warm, welcoming and accepting people that believe in democracy may that never change - Vote NO

    God Bless
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