vasectomy side effects

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    Hmmmmmm...I didn't know this....

    From Ezine Articles:

    Vasectomy is a very common procedure in today's day and age, whether it is performed for social economic reasons, or simply as a form of birth control.

    In the majority of cases, "the snip" is completed without immediate complications, however, many men suffer complications months or years after the initial surgery.

    The most often experienced unpleasant after effects include: painful testicles; a feeling of pressure in the testicles; pain during ejaculation; a lack of energy; and bouts of depression.

    The immune system can sometimes create problems too. Just because a vasectomy has been carried out doesn't mean that sperm production ceases; it actually carries on unabated.

    The only difference is that once the tubes have been closed off, the sperm has nowhere to go. The result is that it stays in the body system and sometimes the immune system sees this as a potential threat, and kicks in, often resulting in testicular pain. This can happen as late as 5 to 10 years after a vasectomy has been performed.

    When any man is considering having a vasectomy, he should take into account these potential side effects.

    In terms of general libido, vasectomy seems to have no effect one way or the other, although arguably certain men may feel more liberated. The problem is however, that a vasectomy is not a 100% proof method of contraception.

    On the subject of testosterone levels in conjunction with a vasectomy, some research has shown that testosterone levels are unaffected once the procedure has been carried out. Blood tests on patients before and after, showed little or no difference in the levels of testosterone in the blood stream.

    On the subject of any links between vasectomies and cancer, the jury I still out. A survey carried out on 10,000 men in 1993 showed that men who had had a vasectomy were 1.5 times more likely to contract cancer of the prostate gland. However, a later survey carried out in 1999, showed no difference in the occurrence of prostate cancer between man who had or had not had vasectomies.

    Whereas the link between vasectomies and prostate cancer is still a matter of hot debate, there is no doubt that vasectomy does cause other unpleasant after effects as previously mentioned.

    Vasectomy Side Effects!

    Pain during intercourse, or more specifically during ejaculation, is caused by a build up of sperm which after a vasectomy has no outlet. Pain can also result in some cases by nerves ends becoming trapped and damaged as a result of the vasectomy process. It is also a fact that over 10% of vasectomized men experience a "blow out" which may due to the recurrent build up of pressure caused by trapped sperm.

    When one weighs up the pros and cons for subjecting oneself to a vasectomy, there seems to be little doubt that the disadvantages, should they occur, far outweigh any possible advantage.

    For additional information on Vasectomy Testosterone and Libido Visit:

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