Did Jesus resurrect himself ?, page-152

  1. 25,576 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    If I rest or break, it will be when I decide and Not when someone that cannot SEE truth before their eyes decides, are YOU getting the picture chum?
    So get back under your rock or is that a pebble as you don't know the TRUE Rock = that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.

    Jesus hates liars and me -> Monkey see Monkey do wink.png
    Are you still eating those sun gods tongue.png and worshipping your poopebiggrin.png

    Jesus only had one Temple to toss over the Tables in, we now have heaps of Temples.
    The one in 2 Thes 2:1-11 = all you lot, apparently that ones in Jesus's hands and he has advised me to back off as He will sort that out in a flash when his Father instructs him to do so and that might be soon? tongue.png

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