News: Australian police tazered 95-year-old woman at care home - media, page-28

  1. 23,886 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Please give a possible scenario to support your suggestion that the police acted appropriately when they entered the room of the 95 year old, 43kg woman with dementia."

    "Please give a possible scenario" -> Produce a single post of mine, that proposed any scenario when in fact, they proposed none.

    "support your suggestion that the police acted appropriately" -> Again, produce a single post where I suggested any such thing.

    Goodness me, how are you clowns reading things into things, that are simply not there????????? rolleyes.png

    "It was reported that she was tasered first in the chest and then in the back,"

    Reported by who, the fairies, Tom, Dick or Harry? smile.png
    Do you often report things as gospel, when you don't really have a clue?

    " which would have meant nothing to her in the state she must have been in at the time."
    Did the fairies tell you this or is this just a creation of yours? rolleyes.png
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