god's will you say?, page-79

  1. 411 Posts.


    "When you see trillions of atoms (science) arranged with incomprehensible precision into, say, an eagle, do you say:
    That bird came to be by chance processes of cosmology and evolution. No-one made it."

    CV:Yes no one made it "theory of evolution" non believers have a theory based on facts open to criticsim still widely excepted not proven wrong yet.
    What is your counter point God made it, the great teapot in the sky mixed some flowers & humanity came out, maybe the old one like Cthulhu
    were involved ?(yeah that was fictional too)

    GRAVV "Is such a incredibly improbable proposition really more likely than that of a Creator?"

    CV::More likely than a creator, YES our lives are improbable, nature gives answers every day get in the ocean watch the ocean, its patterns were not created, try to predict it
    again if you assume a creator made it why is nature so complex & interconnected Ah thats right your answer
    is god did it.

    Religion was made since the first point of humanity to provide simple answers for simple people, why is RA the son god still not worshipped
    by man, THor, or the mushroom cult gods of the sumerian age, Have the old gods been forgotten do they still exist???? waiting for the next true believers
    (sidenote the sumerian mushroom cults produced the virgin story- stolen by christianity do not get me started on pagan beliefs that were stolen & incorporated)

    GRAV: Can cosmological and evolutionary theories show IF eagles were created, or can they only suggest HOW?

    CV:Yeah as stated before its a scientific theory that any one can question or disprove whats your answer GOD DID IT in the interests of debate there is no god or gods

    GRAV: It's easy to say that vastly improbable events are possible, but think: if you saw just ten stones arranged precisely
    into an arrow on the ground, would you say: No-one made that!
    CV: No i would say some bloke or shelia has been here before not that god had visited me

    Grav: I would love to debate religion & the universe with god bothers

    CV: why not atheists are you that indoctrinated you will never see a flaw in your arguement you have nothing to offer to the debate except its gods will,
    god did it what would you all talk about just say amen to everything, If thats the way you all look at stocks on HC scary.

    its like junkies trying to stifle the debate on their condition with people who are not.
    Are wiccans excluded worshippers of HUEY even Breatharians are they invited to your except love & respect your fellow man forum. (jesus did preach that)

    May your god be with you
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