Alan Jones on "The Voice"...NAILS it! Vote NO!

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    Alan Jones
    Indigenous truth telling .
    But when is enough enough?

    PM Kevin Rudd gave an eloquent apology speech on 13th Feb 2008
    Not enough !

    We have had 56 continuous years of programmes designed to address indigenous disadvantage.
    It’s Not enough!

    Taxpayers , that’s you and me have paid for over $39 billion on indigenous support programmes - that is more than has been spent on Medicare for all Australians
    That also is Not enough !

    Government and High Court decisions have given a form of right over 40% of Australian Land and those who have these rights attract “ Royalty Payments usually annually of hundreds of millions of dollars.
    Not enough!

    Scott Hargreaves of the Australian Institute of Public Affairs advises in the NT alone royalties amount to $ 230 million

    Not enough!

    In 2020 there were 3273 registered Aboriginal Corporations receiving taxpayer support and there were over 1000 bureaucrats employed by the National Indigenous Agency servicing these groups.
    Still it’s Not enough!

    In 2023 We have 8 Senators and 3 Members of the House of Representatives identifying as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island heritage elected to the federal parliament proportionally more than the total indigenous community.
    It seems they are Not enough!

    In 2023 we now have metro elites and others wanting to add a so called “ Voice to Parliament “ to fix this mess

    In truth Enough is never enough for these groupings.

    We don’t need a Voice as proposed we already have a Voice through 11 Federally elected indigenous people, through the thousands of registered aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations and admin Public servants . Funding and staffing as you can see is massive that’s not the problem !

    We should be addressing the issues affecting indigenous Australians at root cause. Issues that lead to family abuse, abuse from alcohol and a law and order system that has failed outback indigenous communities.

    Food and Shelter, Family Safety, Education, health and Employment all need addressing . We need to respect First Nations culture as we respect our own culture including the culture of people from other nations who have made Australia their home, not create a so called additional separate elite “ Voice “ .

    The V word seemingly stands for Veto it seems at least in the minds of some who propose this change to our National Constitution. A Veto over decision makers creating separatist rules for indigenous Australians - that’s Apartheid

    We are a strong growing Multi cultural Nation indeed the most multi cultural in the world today and should not have separation along race lines - this risks introducing a form of apartheid into our way of life . We are and should remain ONE nation where all are treated fairly and equally.

    If the Voice was a researched planned way of overcoming the mess that is before us why does the Government not tell us the Detail they envisage???
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