RFG retail food group limited

Pizzas & Donuts for thought...., page-129

  1. 3,736 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 588
    If that's your view then you are in the right stock because that is exactly what management have been doing for years, ie flogging as many franchises as they can to make money out of the new franchise fees rather than building value though profitable product lines and franchisees. Its obviously working well. I last held at $5. Its now struggling to hold 5c.

    You refer to it as "RFG past practices" but as we can see this is still the current business model. Changing its name doesn't change that and franchisees aren't really that stupid. If they are then they won't be running a franchise for long. Both franchisees and RFG will do better if more customers seek to buy the products on offer and they are profitable. For a long term future its got to be a win/win. Got to start there, not with smoke and mirrors to hide from the past. Just my opinion. They will do what they do and if shareholders are happy with that then I expect to look back fondly at some RFG brands in years to come as I currently do when discussing "what ever happened to ....... Blockbuster, Brashes, Copperart etc. They used to be everywhere.".

    PS. The consolidation isn't quite as cheap as you think. Its all outsourced to the registry who makes lots and lots of money from things like this. Actually I hold shares in CPU who I think are the registry for RFG, so thinking about it, yep, lets encourage that. Thats a brilliant idea. Keep it up.
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Mkt cap ! $121.1M
Open High Low Value Volume
$1.91 $1.94 $1.91 $3.166K 1.638K

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No. Vol. Price($)
5 6520 $1.90

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Price($) Vol. No.
$1.94 2645 1
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Last trade - 13.11pm 07/03/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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