Albos Big $2 Billion housing Spend, page-9

  1. 8,262 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1142
    So many empty Houses to deliberately create False Demand,
    For Buyers and For Renters.

    But also because Australian Houses have been going up $200K to $1M plus a Year,
    Many Multiples of Average wage so they do not need to Rent it out to make $$$$.

    Much of it is Foreign Investors.

    Foreign "Investment" MUST be Banned !!!!

    People are acting as groups and Buying up all Australian Property,
    Manipulating the Market.

    Australia is being sold to other Countries (who do not let us buy property there),
    A House at a time.

    It is one of the Biggest reasons that Australian House Prices are out of Control !!!!

    Soon Australians will not be able to Afford to live in Australia.
    Australia has been for Sale for Decades.

    It has left newer Generations of Australians with little Hope,
    Knowing they will never be able to Afford a House no matter what they do.

    It is a National Disgrace

    Which Politician will have the Guts to do something about it?

    What we need is someone with the Guts to:
    Ban Foreign Investment
    (just as we cannot buy property in their Countries, it is banned in all sensible Countries)
    End Negative Gearing,
    Ban International Students from buying Real Estate
    ....................(lets face it it's not really them buying it)
    Ban Short Term Accommodation...............................(it is not acceptable during a Housing Affordability Crisis)

    Also Ban Vacant Houses

    Their needs to be an Inquiry into Price Gouging especially of Building Supplies.

    Investors need to get their head around the fact that they are also better off when House Prices are Cheaper,
    This means they can Buy Two Properties for the Price of One....
    This gives them better Rental Yield,
    And more Properties to pass down the Family line eventually.

    They do need to build more Affordable Housing,
    The Gov needs to just use the $$$$ straight up for Building Houses,
    Not Gambling on the Stock Market

    They also need to make sure it is cost effective not the usual Ripp-Off Prices,
    All Gov Projects seem to be.

    Their needs to be a Crackdown on Developers Over-Charging for Land,
    Which they Buy Cheap Anyway,
    then have the nerve to Charge as much as an established House and Land costs in the Area.
    Which than pushes established House price up.

    Councils also need to stop Overcharging Developers for Road Upgrades Etc,
    As we Pay Rates and Rego for Roads which they seem Incapable of constructing,
    And when they Do it's often like $30Million for a Hundred Metres of Road Somehow?

    It's either they are getting Ripped Off or it's Jobs for mates or something.
    They are seriously paying 10 Times normal price to get stuff done.
    It is a friggin' Joke !!!!

    Their needs to be an Investigation into why some areas have tripled in 3-4 Years,
    As well as Into those Involved:
    The Buyers.......................Why did they Overpay? Where did the $$$$ come from? Is it price Manipulation? etc.
    The Real Estate Agents...Did they Mislead Interstate buyers, Mislead the Value of Areas, Hide cheap sales? etc.
    The Developers...Why are they Over-Charging? Why are they charging so much for Land not in fitting with the Area
    The Banks..................................................Why did they Overvalue Properties? Why Give Loans people can't afford? Was it to increase their own Valuations?

    They need to look at why the RBA left Interest Rates too Low for too Long,
    Partially causing the Housing Affordability Crisis.

    Obviously the Majority of Australians want Affordable Housing,
    And that will be who wins future elections.

    So far Albo has done Nothing to Help,
    And him Allowing 300 000Plus Migrants a Year,
    When they have No-Where to Live,
    Is a real kick in the Guts to Australians !!!!

    It shows he is out of Touch,
    And will likely not win another term at this rate.

    Why allow Migration during a Housing Affordability Crisis?
    It is an absolutely stupid idea.

    Do they care about Australians?
    Or just the paper value of their Real Estate Portfolio?

    It's actually Pathetic that it has come to this.
    Decades of Propping up House Prices mostly to buy the Boomers who were the majority's Vote,
    As the Detriment to all other Generations, and
    Australia Itself.

    If it were nearly any other Country in the World People would be Protesting in the Streets.

    If the Gov cannot understand that having Out of Control House Prices is turning our Dollar into a Yen,
    then they should not be in the Job.

    Australia's Money no longer has any value.
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