The Aus supports Voice

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 246
    Murdoch's fascist reactionary rag, The Australian newspaper supports the Voice.


    Yet concedes it's chances of success are slim.


    From today's lead Editorial:

    "Throughout the campaign we, as a newspaper, have been open in our support for constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians and for them to be able to give advice to parliament on matters that affect them. Our view is informed by the many years we have spent reporting from the front line in remote communities. We share the frustrations expressed by Mr Albanese that we can't continue to do the same things and expect a different outcome. We have been champions of the pioneering work of Noel Pearson to tackle welfare dependence and encourage social responsibility in education and child protection on Cape York. We support a ground-up approach that can deliver improved conditions in remote communities where the need is greatest and efforts to date have failed. We recognise that achieving success in a referendum is difficult, and unlikely in the absence of bipartisan support. We remain determined to use our pages to explore all sides of the issue so our readers can be properly informed to make up their own minds when it comes time to vote."

    Well fancy that. I blame lefty Lachlan for this.
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