AZS 0.00% $3.69 azure minerals limited

AZS chart, page-839

  1. 257 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    Well, the chart just clarified itself. We reached the 0.23 retrace of previous wave. And rebounded to the 0.62 of the move down off the highs. So, it's very simple: over 1.15: we have bottomed, heading to at least 1.45. Under 0.98, ideal entry is the 0.38 which comes at 0.84/0.85. If we go down that's a C wave so ideally a 5 wave structure according to Elliott waves principles. Slight preference for the 0.84 but will let the market dictate the next buy: either at lower support or on the breakout of 1.15. No need to force it.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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