Russia Ukraine war, page-150011

  1. 12,867 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3933
    The world was briefly hoping for chance to see the war ending. Did not happen, unfortunately. But how can anyone celebrate that this war will go on? How can you Putin-Supporters celebrate this useless killing? You guys must be totally sick in your mind, why are you still living in Australia when you adore this regime. Australia stands for peace, there is no place for war supporters here.

    Go over there and catch a bullet for your beloved idol, but hey, it's easier to be a couch warrior and watch the killing from a save distance. HC even allowing you to post that much hatred, glorifying that insane destruction of human lives is not to comprehend.

    Freedom of speech is one thing, spreading support against humanity is another.

    Go and celebrate, but in the end humanity will win.
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