Australia's Destiny - 600k Migrants From Where May I ask?, page-3

  1. 6,345 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 375
    The same situation exists here. Teenage kids are on a lawless & rebellious rampage in Melbourne atm. Every night on the news lately I see individuals & groups of kids aged 12-18 speeding through built up areas & on freeways with scant regard for their safety or anyone else on the road. Occasionally the perpetrators are identified as Caucasian but more often the images are of pixilated very tall & skinny kids clearly of African descent. These are the profiles of the kids that are mainly committing these dangerous crimes. They are killing & injuring themselves as well as innocent victims. Where are the parents ?! They seem to share no blame. If kids are the criminal demographic it has nothing to do with race ….the police’s role is to contain the crime simply because it is destructive of lives & property. I feel sorry for the police…they catch these little bastards & the law is softly softly and they’re back on the streets doing the exact same thing the next day. Recidivism is rife. Every time the offender becomes more brazen while their parents sit on their hands as do our law makers. This is not about racism this is about law & order !!! Don’t defund the police defund the lawyers that keep getting these dangerous young criminals a licence to steal & destroy & sometimes kill themselves & others.
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