mugabe, another socialist looney., page-3

  1. 4,434 Posts.
    "Parasite?" "Parasite?"

    How so?
    Land was taken from his people, he asked for it back, the thieves said no and so he said, "OK, white thieves, out you go!" It's a country which had been run down to the bare bones by these white trash "farmers," though they had slaves to do their hard work for them, and so, being a poor country, it could not afford any bigger reparations to these thieves and told them to piss off. Now I'm not saying he did this in the gentlest possible manner, but when his people go out and fight wars for these slave drivers, they'll eventually look at their government to bring about a bit of "affirmative equality."
    They raised their big stick, killed the vicious German Shepherds which were tearing at their bodies all these years and then turned on the slave drivers.
    What's parasitic about that? Why isn't what the whities did "parasitic?" Usurping the best, most productive land, the best, the cheapest labour and returning nothing to the country in return?

    I also think this idea just might catch on! The seppos are in desparate need of losing some weight. Let them do so, not in snotty gyms and listening or watching Jane Fonda's body gyrating in the abstract, but come and do some hard work! I think it behoves every yank to go down there for a summer work vacation!

    Parasite! Are you one of those thieves?
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