Voice = Apartheid, page-91

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    1There areplenty of places thru this email for fact checking.. use it to clarify..

    TheTorres Strait Islanders are a different race of unrelated people of Melanesiandescent, their history goes back about 3,000 years diverging to a mix ofPapuan and Lapita people 30,000 years ago.

    Theyare a well structured society with agriculture and productive communalindustry, and warriors using bows and arrows.

    Theaborigines never had enough smarts to copy their usage or society, they neverrose above stone age weapons (National Geographic) had gardens oragriculture.

    AustralianAborigines were probably the tenth race of people to have lived in Australia.

    Aborigines are of Indian descent, sharing the same mtDNA, and two basalsynonymous mtDNA polymorphisms G8251A and A9156T with the M42 haplogroup,shared exclusively between (pre-Dravidian) Indian and
    Australian aborigines — “These particular mutations do not exist anywhere else in the world; they are sharedexclusively between a few isolated ancient tribes in India and Australianaboriginals” (Quote: Prof Dr Satish Kumar).

    Ancient endo cast skulls have been found, strange Flat-Head skulls, others ofvery different ancestry from Kow Swamp, Nacurrie, Coobool Creek, Cohuna, LakeMungo. Tasmanian Aborigines were Papuan Ulotrichi referred to by ProfessorAlfred Cort Haddon in his book, ‘The Races of Man’.

    Wehave photographs of the 'little people' (150 cm) of the Kuranda rainforest.

    The many different races to have occupied Australia are scientifically provenby Dr Irina Pugach, Dr Frederick Delfin, Dr Ellen Gunnarsdóttir, Dr ManfredKayser,
    and Prof Dr Satish Kumar: Supported by research fromDrs Norman Tindale, Joseph Birdsell, Peter Brown — and Professors MarkStoneking, Allan Wilson, Alan Thorne, Colin Mackenzie, Manning Clark,Joseph Greenberg, Alan


    Cooper, ChrisStringer, and Dr Merritt Ruhlen. You cannot disprove their science.

    With reference in the “Atlas of ForeignCountries”, written between 265 – 316 A.D., Chinese Sea Captains describe the mysteriousgreat south land being inhabited by a race of one-metre-tall pygmies: Frank andAlexander Jardine (settled Cape York) recorded they witnessed the littleNegritos being hunted down like kangaroos by the taller aborigines.

    Inthe 1400’s and 1500’s, Dutch and Portuguese sailors sighting the WesternAustralian coastline noted “tall natives in warfare chasing and killinghordes of “little” native peoples”.

    There is no need for a referendum to includeAborigines in the Constitution — They are not and never were the nation’s firstpeople, but probably the tenth race to have lived here.

    Nothing traditional aboutaboriginal dot paintings, flag or smoking ceremonies.

    1970s...... iswhen MOST of their "traditions" emerged !

    Did you know that Aboriginal painters started dot painting in the early1970s, inspired by a white schoolteacher, Geoffrey Bardon? Dot paintings from Papunya havenow become one of the most important phenomena in Australian art.

    In the summer of 1976, the television presenter and Yamatji man Ernie Dingoand the Noongar/Yamatji musician Richard Walley performed what they claimwas Australia’s first contemporary welcome to country – a ceremonial act in which traditionalowners welcome people to their land.


    [The modern welcome to country began at Perth Arts Festival in 1976 afteran unexpected culture clash with four Maori and Cook Islander performers.Ernie Dingo's dance troupe came up with an impromptu new ceremony in 1976 afteran awkward stand-off with Maori and Cook Islanders who refused to perform at anarts festival until they were ritually welcomed.]

    The "traditional smoking ceremony" :


    A former indigenous politician (Bess Price) who received a prestigiousaward from Barack Obama has described Aboriginal 'welcome to country' ceremoniesas 'bulls***'.

    'All the "Welcome to Country", all the "SmokingCeremonies" and all the made up bulls*** rituals about "pay ourrespects to elders past and present" is just one big lie.

    Bess Price said such ceremonieswould only ever be indigenous symbolism while Aboriginal women in remotecommunities continued to suffer higher rates of domestic violence.

    She argued that gestures to improvethe self-esteem of first Australians did nothing to address the direliving standards of women in remote Aboriginal communities, where alcohol abuseand poverty were rife.


    Incidentally ...How much does a Smoking Ceremony cost?

    Traditional Smoking Ceremony cleansing spirits, the landand people for new beginnings. Cost: from $2500 + GST

    *Travel and **Rehearsal costs mayapply....................................................

    Welcome to Country is a ceremony performed by Aboriginalor Torres Strait Islander people to welcome visitors to their traditionalland..."white and other people" do it for nothing !


    They are just pleased to see you and make you feelwelcome in that "true Aussie style " !

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags:

    The Torres StraitIslander Flag

    The Torres Strait Islander Flag wasdesigned in the 1990s and features a white dharri or deri (a type of headdress) with a five-pointedstar representing the different island groups. The white represents peace, thegreen represents land, the black represents the people and the blue representsthe sea.

    Certainly nothing "traditional" there either !

    The Aboriginal Flag

    The Aboriginal Flag was designed in the 1970s and its colours represent differentaspects of Aboriginal life. The black symbolises Aboriginal people, the yellow represents the sun and the red represents the earth and therelationship between people and the land.

    Good info to consider. A divisive(& costly) issue.

    Ihope everyone will read this.

    ....so please ...Stop the lies, untruths andmismanagement......

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