Just a test, page-53

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1171

    @gerzensee wrote (post 69173929) : “sadlyfor the kids”

    No.I reject the premise in that entirely.

    Interms of the greatest good for the greatest number more kids in theaggregate and more families of kids will be better off for the FDAreaching a sound scientific and statistical conclusion.

    MSBand shareholders can now choose to learn. Or not. It ain't lookinggood for learning going on the tick counts. Looking at the tickcounts on posts after the decision - see for instance OPs post andthe GA ticks in the thread with a heading about the FDA beingcorrupt.

    Icorrectly as it turned out called the result and said insufficientevidence because that was what my own honest analysis and homework(and I did a lot of homework) brought me to conclude.

    Itis completely untenable to have the developers of medicine proceed ona honors system - whereby on their honor - they'd be left to improvetheir products and to bring their prices down so as to make effectivemedicines affordable.

    Thebelief shareholders have had formerly, and going by the content ofthe posts on this forum since the result, s not based on anunderstanding of the underlying science and technology.

    But the diseases are based on scientifically real andunderstandable phenomenon. Too much time is spent reading between thelines of announcements and not reading what is actually on the lines.

    Factsare stubborn things. They don't give a fig for tick counts. Butanyone can learn them its just most choose not to. Most don't do thehomework. Most are effectively free carried on the backs of thosethat do. Some will turn up to get medical treatment and be a drain onthe system that they have spent enormous amounts of time underminingbecause they couldn't be objective and worse they attacked those whowere objective - and its in the trying to be objective thatdiscoveries are made and knowledge is acquired - knowledge like howdisease works and how to work on the mechanisms of action.

    Prettymuch anyone can learn some cell biology and some science - it isn'teasy but (nor is it hard) and it doesn't hold itself aloof.

    Thisforum could have been used, it was always a matter of choice, toexchange information and for mutual learning.

    Eachperson posting can choose the sort of correspondent they want to be.But I've no interest in corresponding with people who choose nastyall the time. And I don't have the time to correct all themisrepresentations.

    FranklyI'm seeing a lot of something very like karma happening.

    Inmy opinion, human lives are lost earlier than they need to be all thetime because we are connected to each other in networks, communities,societies, and the bad that some of us do effects the networks,communities and societies in which we live. In my opinion the cureswe have for diseases and the standards of living we enjoy (we couldhave better medicines and cheaper medicines for instance) aresubstantially constrained by bad behavior. Too many of us feed thedark wolf - and that has consequences.

    Isee people consoling themselves that might be better off notconsoling themselves for a while but rather shutting up and thinkingand reading to see where they went wrong in their thinkingpreviously- because in my opinion many are bigoting (makingsubjective prejudgements including on others and on the evidence -reading between the lines my butt) themselves to premature death.

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