make up your mind, tony, page-36

  1. 718 Posts.

    I can not go into the finer details of this matter for legal reasons. Suffice it to say I and a number of others were subjected to a prolonged campaign by our employer in order to "manage us out".

    This was done in many forms. All the usual tactics were employed e.g. setting unrealistic goals, manovering events so as we were damned if we did, damned if we didn't, manufactured complaints about performance, laying traps deliberately designed to cause complaint, and other things.

    There were are a number of reasons for this campaign but the overriding reason was to get rid of senior staff and replace them with junior staff - money. Moreover, we gathered a boat load of evidence which showed this, proving beyond doubt that such a campaign existed.

    Frankly, after 25 years of exemplary behavior and distinguished service I gave to this company, one which till recently was on top of or near the top of the highest 100 listed companies on the ASX, I was relieved to be able to move on - once I received my entitlements which amounted to a retrenchment. You see - the employer was trying to save money by not having to pay a redundancy - simply managing us out using every disgraceful trick in the book including the above and bully boy tactics because they are bullies.

    Sadly, under the then Work Choice legislation, there was little we could do about it until the matter was seen by them as best settled out of court to save the embarrassment that would have been forth coming should the matter have reached the public domain.

    I will NEVER vote Liberal as they in effect supported this unconscionable behavior with their Howard IR Laws.
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