It'll happen soon enough. what I can see (I'm s ure you can too) is commodities up with copper the exception for now.
The general rule however is all commodities, especially Cu as a base metal and Dr Cu, moving together. Thihngs liek oil playin the link man.
That will make it easy for the JV partenrs to pull the trigger on the deal.
(I nearly bought some mor etoday but have had to shwo soem discip0line0.
BTW there are some signs of excess out there. Today I was going down the road to the PO form my office in West Perth and saw the Finished shiny, new, black building, building for LionTown Res (and Fogarty partners the broker). With a great big statue of a drill bit (if people recognize the sculpture). Lion Town just got accepted an upped T/O offer.