Russia Ukraine war, page-175206

  1. 23,124 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    I totally agree. China simply wants a continuation of its
    amazing rate of economic growth and, IMO , it will do
    whatever it takes to continue that despite the US defacto
    Economic War on China.

    IMO this Ukraine War is a strategy by the USA to weaken
    Russia and serve as an economic shot across the bow to China .

    But of course China has anticipated Russian/Ukraine war type
    economic sanctions by securing its supply and distribution routes
    via the BRI of which the economic aid to countries crossed by the BRI
    is merely rent, IMO.

    China's major western consumer market is Europe...(not the USA)
    which includes the Ukraine which by the way is a BRI member.

    The Ukraine's BRI membership complicates China's assistance
    to Russia in this war because, IMO, China sees all BRI members as
    also being members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
    which at this stage is a milder form of NATO led by China.
    Eventually the SCO will be incorporated into the BRICS as the BRICS expand, IMO.

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