baby boomers are farts, page-182

  1. 86,394 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    yes, I'd agree that intellect can be a negative in the happiness story. So to can observations skills and I'd add to the observations skills another factor - the energy levels of the operator.

    Whilst a reasonably high level of energy seems desirable, there are people who just seem to have way too much and they move so fast in life that they miss most of it (or the accuracy of it).

    They piss me off royally. Because I think - there's the dude that got some of my share, and it's a complete waste.

    there's not much more frustrating than to look at something low intellect and high energy.

    Now, unrelated to that -
    Pierre Jean Louis Germain Soulages - I found to be very interesting. There's a museum about him in Rodez. It's worth a trip if in France, the whole area is a secret the French won't tell us about and this man's work is worth seeing.

    One thing he said in an interview before he died was worthy of note and I've heard it from many artists, normally over bottles of red - when asked by a very bright interviewer - that much of his work seemed to look like that he had his back turned on the world, would he comment on that (or something similar)

    All he said was 'I turn my back on a lot of things.'

    I get that one.

    What I saw in his work was a person, who was trapped inside, looking out. I doubt if he ever got out, trapped on the inside. Of course that's my take on it, I would love to have asked him.
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