Russia Ukraine war, page-180918

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    makes no sense

    race is not species and this starterd with me being accused of racism are shifting the argument as you lose it

    and yes VERY MUCH is about Ukraine for me ....nothing to do with US or alliances or russian hatred ....all that is incidental ....simply about hating completely unjustified russian aggression* against a country who's only sin was to assert their right to independance from russia

    Ukrainians are the same species as the russ and the same russ ....but they get no respect from russia
    of course putin is the architect of this evil but his people must share the blame for going along with it .....the Germans did for going along with Hitler

    * did anyone love the nazis when they were invading Europe ??
    face it ....russia deserv e all they get here because of their actions

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