CXO 1.14% 8.7¢ core lithium ltd

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 397
    Australia is a place known for its natural beauty and vast landscapes rich in natural resources. These resources have allowed our nation to prosper and rapidly develop as a key contributor to global energy supply. In years gone by, this is something we might have gloated about, but not anymore. Extractive industries have led us to a tipping point that may well see our planet becoming an increasingly hostile environment, and at a rate much faster than originally thought. This country, rich in its landscape and resources, is also capable of capturing and storing energy from renewable sources – like the sun and wind – that could see us become a world leader in renewable energy production There’s a lot of debate still raging around the use of renewables and how we power our homes in the future. While natural gas has played a significant role in the energy mix of Australian households for decades, the time has come to seriously reconsider its continued use. I n Victoria, new gas connections will be phased out from January 1, 2024, with all new dwellings that require a planning permit – including houses, apartments, townhouses and residential subdivision builds – unable to connect to the gas network. Induction cooktops are one kitchen upgrade that can reduce reliance on gas.
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Mkt cap ! $186.4M
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9.0¢ 9.0¢ 8.7¢ $318.3K 3.590M

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11 219972 8.7¢

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8.8¢ 176778 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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