Neil Oliver explains western democracy, page-4

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    D Benton Smith

    The effect of equating Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism is that the incautious (unconscious?) minds of the world are being prepared to blame everything on the Jews, and to consequently take it out on them. . . again.

    The ploy is being implemented by Zionists, of course, and these so-called Zionists are no more Jewish in actual fact than is a stone. They simply use the words and other trappings as camouflage.. Before the last few millennia they used other words and other trappings and other camouflage, but the nature and purpose of these so-called “Zionists” has always been the same, and has never been good.

    By their fruits you will know them. If you try to identify them by any other measure you will be deceived, and of all of their other despicable traits (such as blood lust, boundless greed, insatiable thirst for power and deriving sexual gratification from child murder) it is deceit that is their most defining characteristic.

    To the Jews of the world (and especially to those who are most convinced that they are God’s chosen people) I implore and advise that you take heed of the obvious, and re-examine the very nature of deception, which in its most basic form is simply the holding of a false or misleading belief.

    You have been led (perhaps willingly, or maybe just through endless repetition or mental laziness) to believe that you are the chosen ones. You must ask yourselves, chosen according to whom, exactly, and chosen for what? Have you been deceived into a false belief?

    From the earliest recorded times the Jews have been known as The People of the Book, and that the Book says that God chose you to rule over all of the world and all of the people and things that are in it.

    But is that actually true, or have you been deceived by Zionists? The evidence is all around you, written in the blood of slaughtered children and spoken in the inconsolably anguished cries of their survivors.

    Don’t tell me what the inked words in a book MIGHT say (for there are countless interpretations). Tell me what God says.

    I say this because the Zionists are laying YOU upon the sacrificial altar, and there is not one God damned holy thing about it.

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