Hamas gutless cowards gone underground, page-169

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 167
    These are the lying, cowardly Hamas terrorists whose "narrative" and numbers of dead children you lot accept holus-bolus.

    Terroristsreveal: This is how Hamas exploits hospitals and ambulances

    In arecorded conversation, a Hamas terrorist operative can be heard telling a Gazanresident: 'I can leave with any ambulance I want.'

    Israel National News Nov 8, 2023, 8:42 PM (GMT+2)

    The IDF and the IsraelSecurity Agency (Shin Bet) have released evidence that shows how the Hamasterrorist organization exploits ambulances, hospitals, clinics, mosques, andschools for terrorist purposes.

    The evidence also shows howHamas uses ambulances to transfer weapons and terrorist operatives in the GazaStrip.

    In a recorded phoneconversation revealed by the Military Intelligence Directorate, a Hamasterrorist operative can be heard telling a Gazan resident: “I can leave withany ambulance I want.”

    In addition, the Shin Bet hasreleased footage of interrogations of Hamas “Nukhba” terrorists who took partin the October 7th massacre in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip, who discussthe organization's use of hospitals and ambulances to benefit militaryactivity.

    In the footage, the terroristsdescribe how “Al-Qassam (Brigades) have their own ambulances, some of which arelocated on the military base. The appearance of the ambulances is similar tothe civilian ambulances so that they will not arouse suspicion or be bombed byIsrael.”

    One of the terrorists adds:“During combat, the ambulances are used, among other things, to evacuatefighters – commanders and operatives. They also transport food, cargo, andweapons in them because that is the safest way to transport them.”

    They explain how “Most seniorHamas political and military officials are hiding in the hospitals, especiallythe Shifa Hospital. They take advantage of the hospitals so that they will notbe bombed,” and how Hamas stores weapons and ammunition under schools.

    "This is another exampleof how the Hamas terrorist organization exploits civilian infrastructure anduses civilians as human shields," the IDF stated.

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