1. 895 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2996
    I think it's quite possible a new Covid wave could be a bad one, especially here in Victoria.

    I don't particularly trust Vanden Bossche. I think his prediction about the vaxxed dropping dead all over the place was reckless because it normalised the number of excess deaths we do have since the roll out which are shocking but nowhere near the level he stated.

    I'm worried, though, by a trend I see among relatives, friends and acquaintances where the jabbed are repeatedly coming down with respiratory infections, not necessarily milder in subsequent cases.

    I think what VB said about giving a Covid vaccination to children is right. He said it was an unforgivable sin, not just for their own sake but for the community in that children and younger people, who were at little risk of a severe outcome from Covid, would provide herd immunity.

    An article by Professors Margie Danchin and Fiona Russell was published in the Age December 2021, urging parents to get their young children a Covid vaccine and stating that the benefits greatly outweighed the risks.

    I emailed professors Danchin and Russell (twice) to ask them what data they based their opinion on that the benefits of mRNA injection outweighed the risks for young children but I got no reply. I rang Professor Danchin and asked her if she knew a child in the treatment arm of Pfizer's trial had been paralysed, a cohort of only 1131.

    Maddie de Garay's diagnosis is almost certainly MIS-C, the very condition parents were being scared into protecting their children from. (A highly flawed study by Yousef et al., which is an exercise in whittling down data to suit your narrative, was also being touted by the media at that time.)

    Professor Danchin said it wasn't appropriate to talk to me.

    Early 2022, "Covid Commander" Jeroen Weimar decreed that children aged 5+ whose parents got them what Pfizer and Moderna's SEC filing documents say the FDA considered to be gene therapy, a product the TGA make very clear is in a real-world clinical trial, would no longer have to wear a bug-infested mask in school all day.

    Melbourne undoubtedly has a very high rate of mRNA injected young people and very young children, perhaps one of the highest in the world. If VB is right, we'll be one of the cities hit the hardest.

    What went on here in this so-called "civilisation" in 2021/2022 was a forced medical experiment with no possibility of informed consent (Even among willing recipients, many wouldn't have known the mRNA drugs showed no mortality or morbidity benefit against alpha and weren't even trialled for the effect of reduced risk of transmission; the majority wouldn't have known the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction.)

    What we have all experienced and witnessed is the deepest immorality of all. We were never going to get away with it.
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