Palestinian Christians - a history of oppression and displacement - The Stones Cry Out, page-54

  1. 24,723 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Follow the money -> It's almost like a handful or very small numbers that have the bulk of money in the world, hence owning so, so much, that it would blow your mind away.
    They are the puppet masters for pretty much EVERTHING in the world.

    And I expect you don't need to guess who the single one is, behind them or you might say, pulling their strings.

    "prophesied" -> To put that simply, that was a stupid thing to do, say not more.
    It could just mean, the timing was/is somewhat out?

    10 years, not that it matters, I would have to check, but I think you may have added too much time to that.

    However on the time here and of possible interest -> each time I reply to someone's post, re Biblical matters, it is a one of post, the scriptures are researched each time.
    So what it amounts to, I have effectively come at the same subject, in numerous ways and we end up on the exact same path, message.
    So, you might say it has been a means of cross referencing.
    The same exact theme comes up in numerous ways, just working with letter meanings and their number value meanings, when you take some key Bible words and the picture each word paints, all the same theme. (= cross referencing).
    LOL, one key theme is, us being kids, come to class and are taught the a, b, c's etc with the aim of producing many more etc.
    Guess who the teacher is -> Word = Door -> House -> Head = LORD God Almighty, Father Yehowah.
    Further along, you see where and how (to a degree), that Jesus enters the scene, God's grace plan within him before the world, touches down through Jesus.
    All part of God's seal, I would suggest, on his message.
    GRACE -> God's Riches At Christ's Expense. (Grace as per here, not necessary Biblical, but it works).

    So that, might explain to you why, I can appear so stubborn with my views = Black is Black.
    It never ceases to amaze me, how many of you people, see things???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Israel - Gaza latest -> I'm underneath, expecting there is more to it, than meets our eyes, and my suspicion is, that it links to the money trail.
    To early to hazard guess's at this stage, not enough dots yet lol.

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