It’s really Sunmas, not Christmas., page-71

  1. 24,969 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "You have yet to counter my challenge to you."

    Was that the 'said' challenge that you produced, when we were debating another topic, you know, the decoy that you threw in?
    If trying to keep you to the subject is deemed, throwing ones arms up, then I'm guilty as charged lol.

    As the original topic, come debate ended with you not countering it, re produce this said challenge, we can address it now, as if memory serves me correct of this said challenge, I wasn't seeing any challenge there, whatsoever, I just wasn't prepared to accept the decoy at the time.
    "The Trinity has been continually validated."

    No it has NOT, said cases have been put forward, I have countered them with the Bible or comments supported by the Bible, and NO re counters to discredit them With the Bible, have come forth, on the whole, they effectively run for the hills lol.
    This has pretty much been the norm, of my entire time on H/C.

    Perhaps it's to do with the person I am, but I personally are not able to do, what people do, as per the above.
    I feel it's out of respect etc, that one should address peoples replies directly, but maybe that's just me?
    Basically in my land, truth is not negotiable, but at the same time, I give careful consideration to others replies, because the moment one thinks they know it all, is the moment they have lost the plot lol.
    We call always learn more.

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