gillard mocks abbotts billion offer to wilkie, page-18

  1. 2,560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    totally agree working within a budget and sending your kids to the best school you can afford is the right things to do.And if that involves taking out a second mortgage,during tough times so your kids get a good education, thats fine.Good on you Tony I think it admirable he takes out a second mortgage on his family home for a reported $700000.Tony has said on many occassions the Govt should treat the pubic purse like any normal family budget or business.That is be frugal and I totally agree with him.So why is big debt ok for Tony Abbott but very small debt for the Govt bad. Over 300% debt/ income ratio is ok for Tony and 6% of nation GDP is unacceptable for the country.
    The problem for Tont Abbott is he(like John Howard always did) has based his election campaign of the assertion that Labour are poor economic managers because they from time to time run deficits which result in some national debt from time to time.Debt and deficit are part of life,a cyclical phenoninum and when you try and "prove up" a story you create real problems for an economy.
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