The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-69

  1. 25,464 Posts.
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    Greetings from The Word AND The Word of God (Rev 14) and wotsup,

    Yes we are brothers with differnt opinions,"

    "No problems there"

    Lights on ppm, the bold above is your words.
    Hmmm, according to Jesus, some of us have different Fathers = not all Brothers.
    So, it would appear you are speaking from the father of lies here

    "That’s correct according to Jesus we do have a different Father, that is ? you, you are the one and only teaching outside what the body of Christ teaches, only your mind is set and can’t see, yet you have the gull to turn it around and put it on others. (Duty calls lol).
    So as you said you are it would appear you are speaking from the father of lies here"
    You know how some create another Jesus, meaning this created one is not Truth, which would then suggest, not life?

    Yes, we are aware that you have created
    another Jesus (as per Luke's truth, made by God's word and power) , and it does mean this creation is not the Truth and not life, and you have binded yourself to this.
    You won't see what I see -> You might be in for a BIG surprise in that area mate, a REAL BIG one

    That’s correct I / we don’t see what you see as it only exist in your imagination
    (just as the scriptures say, delusions and they will believe lies and not able to see truth, no matter what 2 Thes 2), and yes You will definitely (not might) be surprised of childish and simpleton take of scripture your understanding is, that my friend is the REAL BIG ONE

    "Simpleton" -> Matt 18:3 - And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as
    little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    2 Cor 11:3 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be
    corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
    Just like the childlike language of Luke's opener, Jesus's first ever existence, made by the word and power = Holy Spirit which the God and Father is.
    The word/logos and his power came down and for this reason, the 2nd Adam man, one nature, is deemed as heavenly, not made of dust, but by the heavenly word and power, that came down.

    What I see aligns with the Gospels and thus far, you have not been able to disprove, in your delusions you think you have.

    "Do you think that only you got eyes,"

    No, I've been telling you to come out from under your CC rock and LOOK, there are thousands out there with the likes of the Unitarian view, lights on.

    "This applies exactly to you “What I see aligns with the Gospels and thus far, you have not been able to disprove, in your delusions you think you have.

    Lets show which one of us has these Delusions with ppm's version of John 17:3
    This now is the eternal life that they should know You, the only true God -> Father, Son and Holy Spirit and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    Oh that's right, ppm now tells us all that, this verse the CC's added, what.png
    Did someone mention DELUSIONS???????
    "One fact that you need to understand, like it or not, we all see things as we are not how they really are, what you are seeing is how wotsup is, nothing more nothing less, this is the dangers of going solo, to which you have fallen in head first and completely brain washed yourself, set your mind and probably there is no turning back, not surprising as many of your 30000 brothers and sisters have done the same"

    I see them as per the words of the Bible as in, scripture interprets scripture and not just taking one verse like you - "I and the Father are one" and then falsely claiming, that Jesus is saying he is God, when he himself clearly translates this in John 17:20-23, showing your gross error.
    A very good example of this is, I made a simple request to You, to which you avoided like the plague and that is;
    Show me at least one OT prophesy, where it speaks of the future one coming (Jesus), that it says or shows that this one that would come, already pre-exited in some way shape or form and would in effect, enter flesh, as in enter Mary.
    I put it to YOU that you are seeing this above matter as -> "
    see things as we are not how they really are,"

    Therefore, it is your duty, obligation to show all on here, that this is not so.

    "this is the dangers of going solo,"

    To make a statement as such, is to totally brush several scriptures aside as in, we now need No man to teach us. (I'm not against it).
    To boot, it would be, to also make a mockery of Jesus's words along with what he achieved for us, re the Spirit of truth, Advocate, which would take all of Jesus's (words of God's) and SHOW it to us, including interpretation.
    If you do not believe this, then you NEED to do some serious studying and shut out the father of lies, that would have to be pipping in your ears, telling you otherwise.

    Do Not include the 30,000 odd as my Brothers, as most atm, would not be, as they come away with the key core false seeds of the CC, the very reason there are so many of them.
    Try staying focused to ones post, not what's running around up there lol.
    "My dear friend, I am my own person, I post what I want to post, I don’t let people like you dictate me, or what I write"

    Well Dear, the translation that I will have to take from that is, your will not stay focused and directly address my Bible quotes and comments backed by the Bible with the Bible, as your not able to.
    Hence the many sermons we get tongue.png

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