The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-137

  1. 6,707 Posts.
    Stay with me here, existence has no beginning, if it did then we would have to accept that existence arose from non-existence and this is impossible.

    So back to John, in the beginning refers to the eternal state of God beyond time. A changeless, timeless, placeless state from which all that exists and will ever exist comes from. The, I am.

    The WORD, the I AM, is not a literal word, or a vocalised word, it is the Will of God. This WORD, this Will of God, to be fully expressed must do so through a human form, in this case we are talking about Jesus.

    The WORD, the I AM, the Will of God even though it is expressed by Jesus in a relative state of truth it also remains in an absolute eternal state with God.

    So John is saying that the Will of God, the WORD, is both an eternal aspect of the I AM and it is also reflected in the relative state of Jesus who is a mirror reflecting the Will of God.

    That is why, the WORD was a god, shows that the Jehovah Witness don't understand this concept at all.

    I think this conveys John's intended meaning - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
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