The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-139

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    The last phase of 1:1's correct order is - and God was the Word, remove "the" and you have - and God was Word = and God is deemed as Word here.
    You have Word and God (same God), deemed as on in the same.

    In beginning and no - In 'the' beginning = somewhere in time (eternal state maybe) and encapsulated in phase 2 of 1:1, God has a plan and in the 4 letters of his name and the I AM Hebrew letters, the plan is basically - in the mind and power of God and then to the heard so to speak (2nd letter) a plan for grace and that plan (3rd letter) is for man and a means to hook, bind man to this grace plan, draw man via his word and the last letter shows Grace again and you might say, it touches down and we know this came through Jesus - who carried the word of life.
    That message is in both those names.

    The creation plan in 1 & 2, in God, is shown to have been expressed out by 1:3.
    Another part of the logos expressed to the Angel who in turn expressed it to Mary and hey presto - And the Word man to become and encamp in I = God. Isa 55:8-11.
    (to become = not literally in the picture of 1:14 and 1:14 is zero to do with Jesus being made flesh).

    In the verse where Jesus says before Abraham "I am", if we carried this I am interpretation over into 1:1, which you should do, if you used it as shown, then 1:1 would read - In beginning I am The Word and the Word I am to the God and God I am the Word (God I am Word).

    Keep in mind, God's words and ours are our spirit expressed - God is Spirit.
    Jesus had the word of God without measure, so when he expressed them out, he Became the express image of God's PERSON = Word, The Word.
    It looks like a no brainer to me.

    I put it to you, that in short that God is more interested in you knowing or deeming him as word, in short and what his words bring and result in = His will etc.
    (I'm not suggesting he is just word).
    Psa 138:2 - I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

    Keep in mind that Jesus now has a name above all names, no other name to which you are to be saved and we see in Rev 19:13 he has the name (only) The Word of God and with that in mind, he is ref as the Door.
    So the Psa may even be a prophesy, as in exalting Jesus, which as you can imagine, a Father would do.

    Word which God is = Door -> House/Kingdom/Temple -> Head = God.
    Worship to God's Temple, with a Door with the name The Word of God (?) -> Rev 21:22 - And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

    You come in to get the pasture = the word of God.

    There are verses, if you are OF God, you hear his word, if you are of God, you have seen God = you have only seen and heard the word of God.
    So seeing and hearing is in the spiritual context.
    Jesus also confirms you have seen God, by hearing the words coming out of him John 14:10 and their lead in verses.

    If Jesus has the name The Word of God, and has a name by inherence, then I suggest his name comes from The Word.
    Yes I understand how this word matter might sound crazy, but words coming from people, can make or break others etc.
    It is huge in our lives, as well as us, in a way, our spirit expressed.
    The us we know, is just our house, basically.
    Anyway mate, all the best for you and Co for Xmas and N/Y smile.png

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