port news - the punters are miffed, page-9

  1. 2,681 Posts.
    more comments from local punters - not impressed by their "representative"

    this MP has lost it the writing was on ther wall for the Labor party and this MP knew it yet he went against the decency of the electorate to support them To all the voters of this seat dont forget that it was this stupid fool that gave the labor party a chance it did not deserve
    Posted by Darren Boehm , 7/09/2010 4:04:59 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    I voted for him. What a snake. Never again.
    Posted by EvenSteven, 7/09/2010 4:13:26 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    gone my friend. gone. you may as well of handed in your resignation letter with a 3 year notice.
    Posted by tim, 7/09/2010 4:13:57 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Well done Rob, it wont be a popular decision in this area, but i believe its in the best interest of the nation. If all you nats are saying he's gone next time around, why would he do it? the Lib/nats cant be trusted. WELL DONE ROB!!!!
    Posted by Red Heads not necks, 7/09/2010 4:15:02 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Least bad option really. I hope you got as many $ for the region as possible
    Posted by Mike, 7/09/2010 4:18:35 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    The overriding positive of Oakeshott's decision is the sheer apoplexy of the reactionary drama queens (on here) it has provoked. Hopefully Messrs Oakeshott and Windsor will keep the (Labor) bastards honest for the next three years and achieve some major progress for their constituencies and the rest of regional Australia.
    Posted by Cruz Erwaite, 7/09/2010 4:29:36 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    I was interested to see how the Lyne locals would react to Oakeshott's decision - I'm guessing from these comments it's pretty clear!!!
    Posted by Patrick of Melbourne, 7/09/2010 4:33:46 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Rob Oakeshott you are a black mark on our democracy. What good is stability without good public policy and even you cannot be naive enough to think we can get that with Greens holding the balance of power. Did you not stop to think people did not vote for a Labor/Greens alliance with there frighteningly left wing policies? How dare you impose that on the nation.
    Posted by Kris, 7/09/2010 4:35:26 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    So now we will see the sweeteners come out to sooth the electors of Lyne and Oakey will hoodwink the voters again.A true political animal is working here
    Posted by dog, 7/09/2010 4:44:28 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Good decision.Surprise surprise the nats and libs dont like his choice. I wonder why?? I trust Rob has made the best decision he feels is right for his electorate. Ms Gillard has 3 years to deliver her promises. The electorate should wait and see what happens over those 3 years before making up their mind about who to vote for next and not just because your party missed out this time.
    Posted by Emperor know it all, 7/09/2010 4:48:15 PM, on Port Macquarie News
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