just watched abbott, page-61

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    misty - Malcolm's still looking for his pants - don't set much store in his opinions these days - he's dreamt up an angle to keep himself in the public eye - and he's sticking to it. Lots of money in public speaking about global warming they say. Keeps Al Gore in luxury! And many otherwise very mediocre politicians in cushy jobs!

    He's a bitter old man. Only way he thinks people will listen is if he's controversial. He's all doom and gloom. Needs a good belly laugh! Or to go and shear some sheep.
    Or prune the roses. And enjoy himself. Go and bake a cake Malcolm!

    He and John Hewson and Paul Keating should start their own Party - the "Grumpy Old Men Party."

    Three cheers for Abbott - all class and dignity today, and not down in the gutter with the other sneery mob. A good man - beaten by ... well, I cannot go further.

    As for the three Amigos - they'll soon be shunted out of their seats. Windsor should have excused himself from this process at the outset if he was "ethical", had "integrity", as he's had the gall to lecture us about for two weeks!! Their electorates are already furious!
    Locval newsagent says Wibdsor'll be kynched when he returns. As if windsor cares. That's it - he doesn't care - about us, the voting public. Just himself. As does Oakshott.

    Windsor is the first cousin of Bruce Hawker - a Labor Party heavyweight and leading strategist for Labor'scampaigns etc. As Windsor's to retire soon, going with Labor is no longer any skin off HIS nose. And he has pleased his cousin! And julia gave them a $10 million present/sweetener - wonder where and how that'll be spent -??

    This was a HUGE conflict of interest - same thing as the GG and Bill Shorten! He should never have been allowed to be in on the decision making, and he darn well knows it!
    Why did he not have the integrity he lectures others about so much to declare this conflict and leave the scene as he should have!

    As to Gillard being "elected" - no, Showman, if you read this, she was NOT!!

    Brandt, Wilkie, Windsor/Hawker, and Oakshott "elected" her.
    And the Three Drongos got only 1% of the national vote. So who DO they represent?? And they have the cheek to lecture US ad nauseum for two weeks on "high standards" and "morals" and "ethics". With OAkshott running around laughing like a hyena - as if it was all a big joke!

    The voting public did NOT elect Gillard!!

    I see this as illegitimate government by an unelected Party - one major reson being that apart from Liberals getting the most votes and seats, voters were NOT told about the Green'Labor Coalition prior to going to the polls.Gillard herself said that ther 2 Party preferred result was "absolutely crucial", Seems she changed her mind! As she does - often! So much for stable government!

    Yes, today democracy died. But Labor don't give a darn about the finer points and niceties. Win at any cost - so she buys them with $10 million. More confetti from Gillard. She sure knows how to throw around OPM with gay abandon!!!

    This result is a gross miscarriage of justice. It is NOT Parliament which needs reforming, as much as our ridiculous compulsory voting and preference system! NO Party should be able to use preferences as bribes! And do dirty deals AFTER an election which are unknown to the voting public.

    We'd all like a fair world. But sometimes the world is very far from fair! But, in the long run, justice seems to prevail - most of the time. They will get their comeuppance!

    Black Tuesday. September 7th 2010. Remember that date, folks, when the big bills start to come in.

    And the coal mines start to close up.

    Greens are in power. whoopee!
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