bob brown to push mining tax up

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Yes - Mining Tax in it;s present version is NOT to Bob Brown's liking - he preferred the original deal done by Rudd/Gillard/Swan/Tanner.

    So he's going stamp his petulant foot and bring heavy pressure on Gillard to go for HIS version - which is the riginal heavily opressive one. And who is she to refuse - having got herself into grovel position.

    Has Australia gone mad - or are we surrounded by Nutters??
    This is utter madness. And Government by whim. Utterly self serving whim!

    Talk is the Mining Tax is to be her patsy - yes, the miners will be milked dry, and that's where she'll get the money to pay the Independents for their "you will be PM" vote - most of the 10 BILLION!

    WHAT can we do to get rid of these national traitors. March in the streets? I would - if you would.

    SO much for the small miners - who have already been so duped and forgotten by "the people's party" - the Labor Machiavellians!

    This MUST be a nightmare. Wish I could wake up.

    This is NOT democracy. It is dictatorship. A takeover of our freedoms by the Far and Loony Left.

    Who'd be a miner? What a kick in the guts!

    I shudder to think how things will be when Government tried to run this crazy NBN scheme - and now, thanks to these idiot traitor "Independent Laborites", they have reversed the implementation, and are now going to start it backwards, from the country outwards, instead of the city outwards.

    A huge recipe for assured failure! The Government shou;d not even be running it at all.

    This is going to pile up even more debt!

    Oh, and have you heard. Next week at her swearing in, she will give the loonies the required promise of her chosen next election date - a set date in late in late 2013.

    So much for our freedoms, or for any chance the Opposition have to bring on an early election as the public want! They may as well be bound and gagged - ecause THIER rightd are being eroded too - making them useless to resist.

    Better if we all go hide under our doonas - and read comics by candlelight. Won't be able to afford books. Seems we have no power, and are now under a Mind Control regime. Jackboots won't be far behind!

    Let's just all give up the struggle - and give in. That's usually how it goes - in Totalitarian regimes! Which are usually run by madmen.

    This is takeover by stealth. Give them an inch - and they take a whole Nation down the track of helplessness - and hopelessness.

    People should speak up and vent their anger - but do they have the sort of backbone required? I doubt it. They can't even see it happening - most of them.

    As many keep saying - God help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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