TRUMP offically endorsed the next great president, page-63

  1. 11,230 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2065
    The freakshow that is Trump-et would make good fodder for a futuristic, dystopian novel:
    The year is 2024. A mad man and convicted molester of women and criminal called Trumpet gains the American presidency for a second time supported by 150,000,000 ultra Right wing sycophants. In his first presidency he had stacked the Supreme Court with his adherents, so he could do no wrong and has taken on the mantle of dictator, jailing his democrat opponents. He promises his followers the world by force and all would be theirs, and the dye is set.
    By the year 2026 civil war breaks out; brother against brother, sister against sister where every man and woman are armed with modern automatic weaponry. The defense forces split along party lines and lead each faction. Slaughter on both sides is uncountable.
    As war and the brutality rages, other countries with likeminded, ultra Ring wing leaders follow Trumpets example and stir up their sycophants, and by 2028 more than half the world is engaged in civil wars.
    Then, to add the mayhem, rogue States and any seeking world dominance take advantage of Americas disunity and launch a series of devastating attacks. It all escalates until almost the entire world is engaged in war; civil, national and ethnic.
    By the 2032 the world is a wasteland of famine, disease, death and destruction. Unprecedented droughts, floods and storm activity adds to the displacement of the remaining humans. The fight goes on. WW111, as it is known, eclipses the First and Second world wars combined.

    The above may or may not turn out to be fiction or truth, but anything is possible if the freakshow that is Trumpet comes to town and becomes sheriff.
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