Morning Trading January 23, page-124

  1. 9,005 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 752
    you can have a laugh out loud with me anytime mate, you're one of the kinder people here who aren't quick to dish out a slur when people express their frustration with a thieving market

    i'd like to see a bit of a turnaround today seeming it's mostly green globally
    LDX, BPH , MSB, RDN, ZIP, TG6 , AL8 should all be doing better than what they are

    i would say that after this stealing is over we might see a push up of the penny stocks by the brokers because they must have been holding in the first place to be able to knock them down right, you can't knock a stock down unless you hold some, David Kosh seems to think so anyway HEHEHEH
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