Woolworths full page advert defending their decision

  1. 26,935 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 670
    The woolworths addd in the paper , a full page add, says its a commercial decision.

    It says they need to order 12 months in advance. So in theory they MADE the decision 12 months ago ???? So why wasnt something communicated when the decision was MADE ,.So they could have said last year after the poor sales we didnt sell much stuff, so we are not going to carry it.. etc
    Its all ficticious BS...
    The public are not stupid.... Getting rid of a few slow selling Items , but to can the whole product range on the National day ???
    It was not about sales and never was.
    This is not a debate about, should we or shouldnt we, ios now about the lies they want us to believe

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