Australia a communist State, page-104

  1. 48,390 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 651
    we are like the US. we are a duopolistic democracy. this results in fluctuations between far right and moderate left atm. there is therefore no stability in the Aus economy or foreign relations and very little real choice in who we vote for. every vote for an independent eventually must end in voting for one dumb party or the other.

    and our people are accustomed to either one or the other so prefer the status quo of confusion and wild swings of policy. and now each new party Govt demolishes the legislation of the previous mob.

    this is not a sane way to run a country. there's no representation of the electorate if the MP disagrees with a voter. they represent the Party to the electorate. and the parties enable the ascendancy of people no better than the ordinary Joe.

    for good governance we need to remove ideological parties, ensure MPs vote secretly and place the national interest ahead of party loyalty, enable MPs to truly listen to electorate voters and no longer disregard voters concerns on legislation.

    in sum we need independent MPs.
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