The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1773

  1. 5,859 Posts.
    in the OT Yehowah the Father is ref as the one and only saviour at the time, but he was always going to do this through a future one, who was born from Mary.
    So now, eternal life is based on knowing them both.

    It most DEFINATELY does NOT mean the only true God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit that is a bare face lie, from the spirit of the father of lies, NO two ways about it.

    Very funny, First, yes it was the OT, Jesus wasn't revealed as yet, then through Mary, Jesus was reveled, The Word was with God and Was God, we see the Unity and Singularity of the Word with God, then becoming flesh, and definitely the "Godhead" consist of the Father, Jesus(the word made flesh) and the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent down after his going to heaven, so now this is where eternal life can be found in,
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