interesting article - socialism vs capitalism!, page-13

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    Interesting Subject.

    It's just a mind game really.

    Let's say citizen "A1" crash lands on what appears to be a deserted land mass.

    He doesn't think he is rich or poor, he feels just luck too survive.

    After walking for ages he comes across citizen "B2".

    Now the mind game kicks in. decision time.

    Is B2 richer or poorer than A1.

    Not long ago A1 was happy to be alive. But now, happiness depends on whether A1 is richer or poorer than B2.

    A1 and B2 join up and start walking again.

    They come across a pile of horse manure.

    A1 just kicks it in disappointment. However B2 reaches down and finds it is fresh and is excited, for it means there is an opportunity of finding transport.

    Mind games of poor and rich is finding opportunities or lack off.

    B2 is now riding on the horse with A1 walking feeling poorer.

    They continue on their journey to find food and shelter, when they find Citizen C3 walking.

    After a while, A1 and C3 start complaining about walking and B2 riding on the horse.

    They form a Union and together knock B2 of his horse, both jumping on back of the horse together and gallop off.

    Needless to say they rode the horse to death killing the asset they had just acquire legally as it was a vote two to one to commandeer the asset.

    A1 and C3 are still on foot complaining of all the bad luck while B2 is looking for another horse and food/shelter. B2 will find them.

    You should by now get the drift, the difference between poor and rich, it's a mind game.

    Oprah and the Clive Palmers of the world don't have to work any more to supply food and shelter for their families.

    They are working to provide food and shelters for their employees. Clive pays 11% instead of 9% super contributions.

    Doesn't have too. Oprah gives heaps as well.

    Poor people can be happy and rich people can be unhappy,It's a mind game.

    But money sure helps. Most relationships argue over lack of money or their so call "Fair Share"

    Does that "Fair Share" sound familiar.

    Rudd/Gillard's war of the classes.

    Form a Union as in A1 and C3 and vote for me to get your fair share.

    The poor Australian's "Fair Share" ( B2's horse)

    Just remember B2, and A1 and C3's the dead horse.

    just some of my thoughts,Interesting subject.

    You can not create wealth by dividing wealth.



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