The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1790

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "1 John 1:1-2 is referencing Jesus as the one they have heard, seen, and touched, what problems are created when replacing Jesus with “Scripture” that they have heard, seen, and touched"

    It says nothing of a sort - "that which" is not a person Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Your trying to suggest they mauled Jesus lol.
    To Boot, he was NOT there with the Father as the scriptures clearly teach.
    John was picking up on the Man Jesus himself;
    John 5:39 - You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.

    Distortion of Meaning: The passage clearly refers to the disciples' personal experience with Jesus, emphasizing their direct contact with the incarnate "Son of God. If "Scripture" was substituted, the intended meaning would be distorted because Scripture is not a person that can be heard, seen, or touched."

    The passage says ZERO about the disciples personal experience = YOU are ADDING what is NOT there AGAIN.

    Scripture is not a person = correct, because it is scripture about the word of Life that was with the Father, the likes of Titus 1:2 and as quoted by Jesus above.
    Heard, seen or touched, most Definitely falls under scripture.
    They would have at some stage, had scriptures spoken to them, in the earlier times = heard.
    So your assay Bombs out there BIG time.
    " Denial of Jesus' Physicality: By replacing Jesus with "Scripture," it would deny the true physical existence of Jesus. The passage emphasizes the disciples' firsthand encounter with the physical presence of Christ, including hearing His voice, seeing Him with their eyes, and even touching Him. Distorting this reality undermines the biblical teachings on the incarnation and the bodily resurrection of Jesus."

    It does nothing of denying the physical existence of Jesus, that is purely creative BS.
    Jesus is referenced further along as in fellowship with him and the Father = NO denial.
    It mentions ZERO about hearing Jesus's voice, again, more creative spin.

    " incarnation and the bodily resurrection of Jesus."
    It distorts no such thing, more creative spin, the said carnation is another subject.
    "Undermining the Authority of Scripture: While Scripture is God-breathed and essential for faith and practice, equating it with Jesus Himself could lead to placing Scripture above Jesus and His teachings. It may give an impression that Scripture holds a higher authority than the actual person of Jesus, which is contrary to Christian beliefs."

    More creative and unfounded false claims come spin.
    No one is suggesting replacing Jesus with scripture, Just -> You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.

    By using scripture correctly and truthfully, you are in fact drawing on the power of both God and Jesus, hence you have the right to wield it like a sword.
    "At the time of writing, John is speaking as an eyewitness and witness to Jesus' teachings, miracles, and resurrection. He is sharing the firsthand accounts of the apostles who had been with Jesus throughout His ministry."

    That's a load of hogwash.
    He is covering the scriptures and times outside of creation as we know it like - Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before time eternal;
    You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.

    In John, he also steps outside of creation as we know it in verses 1 and 2, which include the likes of Titus here and Eph 3:9 etc.
    "By equating scriptures with the Word of Life you would indeed be a fundamental error because it would be placing the written text on the same level as Jesus, who is the living Word of God. While scripture is a source of revelation and contains the inspired words about Jesus, it is Jesus Himself who is the embodiment of the Word of Life."

    Oh dear, may God perform a miracle and unlock his delusions for this Poor man.

    You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.
    If the scriptures that Jesus is referring to here, are not the word of life, then I AM Father Xmas or better still, The I AM from Ex rolleyes.png
    PLEASE, tell me your joking what.png

    Jesus is the fulfillment, results of the word of life, THE SCRIPTURES, like, and God said let there be light, let there be a Jesus, his words to the Angel, to Mary.

    The word of life was also manifested in and out of Jesus -> John 6:63 - It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you (FATHERS), they are spirit, and they are life.
    Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words (FATHERS) of eternal life.

    THEY, those words of life were WITH the Father before time eternal.

    Your brain seems to have trouble digesting the full context of what accepting the word of God means in it's full context, hmmm.
    The Bible doesn't tell you that you're born again by it, for Xmas decorations.
    The only aspect that we can rightfully add Jesus in 1:1 is 1:1b = Eph 3:9, not more and not less.

    Eph = the word, part of, that become flesh over in Luke as that is what the Bible and not the creative men says.

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