The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1848

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "It doesn’t have to be a prophecy, this is only your take to justify yourself."

    It does, or other wise if it is NOT in the Bible, then you CANNOT ADD it as you lot do, in saying there was a pre-existing one that become flesh, or entered Mary = the BIGGEST lie of all time, of which in no way does the Bible support it.
    But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,

    Who only ever come into existence of ANY KIND, by the word (Eph 3:9) being expressed from God, which came down from heaven and along with his power, the exact 2nd Adam MAN was made.
    Because the word and power come from heaven, he is heavenly, not made of dust = only difference between the both Adam's, other than God having bigger plans for the 2nd.
    ""God sent forth his Son": This highlights the divine initiative and intention behind Jesus' birth."

    It simply highlights, "God sent forth his Son" = no more and not less, what you state is covered else where, so STOP ADDING.

    "Jesus was not simply born as a human being; he was sent by God the Father,"

    His was simply born as a human, THE 2nd Adam which is EXACTLY that, his only ever existence, outside of Eph 3:9.
    Sent by God is AFTER his Baptism John 17:18 ex
    Again, YOU are ADDING what is NOT there.
    "Jesus is the Son of God incarnate,"

    That is an anti-christ there.
    He is part of the Word = Eph 3:9 made flesh re Luke and the Bible clearly tells us that.
    Again, You are ADDING what is not in the Bible.
    "Born of woman": Jesus' humanity. Although Jesus had a divine nature as the Son of God, he also entered the world as a fully human being, born to a woman. This affirms Jesus' humanity and the reality of his fully experiencing human life."

    Jesus's humanity = that is all he has ever been and was, and affirmed by his birth, so he had no choice but to experience human life.
    He ONLY entered the word at his birth as was sent into the word after his baptism
    Divine = of God = of by the word and power of God re Luke.
    Like God - God dwelt in him, doing all the miracles etc.
    Gave him the Spirit which God without measure.
    God gave him all power and authority.
    Jesus was raise in and given the word of God without measure.
    So there are just some of the aspect as to WHY he was like God.
    a God - He became a begotten God after being exalted and glorified, after the cross, confirmed by Jesus in 17:3, where he confirms who the only true God was, when he was here.
    As Jesus was raised (Deu 18:18) and taught by God in his word, Jesus taught them and just like he was sent into the world, he sent them.

    Your said explanation was NO MORE than the creation of men for this Deu ref.

    You are calling Yehowah a liar, in that he would not keep his CLEAR message, promise to Moses, in that he would raise the future one = Jesus.

    A clear progression of his raising and developments;
    Luke 2:40,52 - And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.
    And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
    John 3:34 - For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for (because) God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

    Luke 4:18 - "The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed,

    In favor with God, in no way supports a pre-existing Jesus, which YOU cannot address, accept to use childish mockery, BECAUSE you have NO BIBLE ANSWER to it, or simply did not like the clear and obvious answer, as it does not fit your creations, handed too you and swallowed, by your forefathers.

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