They would have thought they must be joking, page-2

  1. 2,182 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    My father was an electrical planning engineer for a large organization. One day in the late 1960's, I visited the headquarters and was amazed to see this large glass walled room with its own air conditioning system and one operator inside. The monstrous machine inside this room which dwarfed the operator was a computer. This computer processed the customer records. There was also racks and racks of spools of magnetic tape, and these spools could be attached to a spool-reader for the computer. Outside the room were lines of desks where typists on keyboards would type in data and print out the electricity bills. My father said this was the "way of the future", and that one day computers would be much smaller.

    If only he lived long enough to realise just how true his comment would turn out to be.
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