The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1947

  1. 25,353 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The rest of you post is garbage. Maybe you are just lying to yourself, denying Jesus with every breath.
    The fact is Jesus was sent into the world from heaven. This verse makes you the liar and the denier."

    Translation = your stumped and have no Bible answers, so you turn to playing the man, and run.
    The garbage that you cannot refute with the Bible, the Bible that you corrupted lot shudder over.

    You rude so and so, you asked for the evidence, re the Hear Israel and now you're running for the hills, because your corruption was exposed.

    You have had more than enough time to acknowledge your error.
    The mistake is entirely yours. All the information is there. The "I (ego)" is the singular, whereas "Us (hemin)" is plural.
    When you clicked the link, it directed you to the word origin. "I (ego)"
    Maybe you are just lazy, but if you had scrolled down, you would have found the link to "Us (hemin)
    Wotsup, the only "misleading and deceptive conduct" is your own."

    I acknowledged my error of carrying others corruption onto H/C, but due to your delusions from 2 Thes, that will be impossible to sink in for you.

    The Interlinear said the Srong's number was 1473 which is the following deception I PASSED on DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    egó: I (only expressed when emphatic)
    Original Word: ἐγώ
    Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
    Transliteration: egó
    Phonetic Spelling: (eg-o')
    Definition: I (only expressed when emphatic)
    Usage: I, the first-person pronoun.

    One has to go a long way down the link, to find what you have placed here.
    These guys are supposed the be the said expert, scholars that you lot promote, are YOU telling me now, to not trust them = make up your bloody minds.
    "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me."

    And WHAT does the truth of the childlike language of Luke, tell us how this happened, and not what the creation of men after Jesus and the Apostles, say.
    THE WORD AND POWER ONLY, IS WHAT CAME DOWN AND MADE THE 2ND ADAM, that is what the Scriptures plainly teach = I came down drrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Because the word and power came down from heaven and made him, he is referred to as heavenly, not made of dust = for no more and no less reasons, is he referred to as heavenly, apart from the likes of the following, John 17:16.

    Isa 55:10,11 - For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
    So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

    You have Jesus repeating, I came forth, out from God and was THEN sent into the world, and the sent is After his Baptism.
    John 17:16,18 - They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
    (if their not of the world, their of Heaven DRRRRRRRRR).
    As thou hast sent me into the world,even so have I also sent them into the world.

    As the God and Father raised Deu 18:18 and taught Jesus in his word, Jesus likewise taught them in the word and sent them into the world, the EXACT same comparison of Jesus being sent.

    So Tonio, according to the BIBLE and not You, your verse reference abuse, was shot down in flames, your spirit tested and it FAILED. frown.png

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